Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Random Sleepless Notion

Yup, it's one of those nights...hot, and sleepless. So as I sit here peering over the vast sea of code that is the internet I figured I'd at least be constructive. We've been preaching through the book of Ecclesiastes (my favorite book of the Bible) at Cascade, and it's harrowing application has got me thinking. We tend to equate worldly success with God's favor, what I mean is that we find ultimate blessing when good things happen to us. Do we find those blessings in the hard times? I want to say that I do, but I'd probably be lying. I don't want people to think that I'm somehow against seeing the handiwork of God in our lives, but I do want to point out that the same hand that gives also, sometimes, takes away. I think the challenge is to rejoice in Him, during both plenty and want, and understanding that whether he provides or removes it is to kill our sin, and deliver us to Glory. With that in mind, if it's a season of plenty....be generous;  if it's a season of "want" take heart that God is good, and be generous as well.

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