I've been thinking a lot in regards to how the people of God ought to behave towards each, and the world in general these past few weeks. I can't say that I've come up with anything really deep or profound, but I have arrived at a few conclusions. First and foremost that the church is a family. Nothing more, nothing less. The reality of this is kind of veiled by our selfishness sometimes, but regardless of the fallen humanity within us we do have the means of grace that God has provided. Meaning that because we've been forgiven so much, we have the gift of being able to overcome ourselves, and our sinful desires. This means that when scripture calls us to view others as more important than ourselves, we, by grace, are able to be obediant. Secondly, in regards to the church, obedience is a choice. We've all been called by God into a higher means of life, an abundant life. He would not call us to something, and then prevent us from attaining the gift he is giving, therefore the only obstacle that stands in our way of this abundant life is ourselves. So what is this abundant life? I can't exactly answer it (and I sincerely doubt that any man can mine out the treasures in that phrase), but I think some of it's components are displayed in the Gospels. Abundant life is a life that would rather give than possess, rather serve than be served, that seeks the benefit of others instead of looking for it's own gain. Abundant life is a homeless man building a mansion for another, and returning to his shanty. We, as Christians, tend to sit and wonder why people aren't listening, and my answer to that would be the following question. Are we living the lives we ought to be? Do we tend to look after those who can't tend to themselves, or do we stare at the dashboard while a dejected man gazes hopefully through our car windows. Here's a thought to consider, in that moment, you are all the hope that man has. The Kingdom, in that moment, is within reach for both of you; all that needs to happen is for you to roll down your window, and reach into your wallet. To reach into yourself, and give for the sake of another in need.
Which brings me the second part of what I want to say, and that pertains to how we treat those around us who aren't living in covenant grace with God. I don't know why, but God seems to have decided that we are the best way for his good news to be passed on. God has revealed himself to us through Jesus, and wishes to reveal Jesus to the world through us. So the next time you wonder why people can't seem to get it together, perhaps it's because of our apparent inability to live the way God has called us to live. How are they going to see, if we're not even displaying grace to each other in the proportion that we've received it? Moreover none of us were much better when we were saved, so how can it be that we sit around and criticize those who are not empowered for holiness by the Holy Spirit? From the inside looking out, the world looks like a nasty place to be. People lie, cheat, steal, murder, the list goes on and on. Sadly, it will continue to go on and on unless we, the signs of God, walk in the midst of it. Not condemning but calling for justice and grace. It is not in our ability to see who is set apart, and who isn't until they respond. We just need to give them something to respond to. It's not the "Roman Road" or the Four Spiritual Laws. It's the Kingdom of God, and unless it's apparent in our lives, than the greatest treasure the world has ever known will remain hidden from those who need it the most.
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